Careers on cruise ships: best tipps to get the job

On the 22nd of May we've been to the "Cruise Job Fair 2017" in London, and, while watching at some crew interviews, we asked some of the most interesting questions to the recruiters of two great cruise companies: Holland America Line and Viking Cruises.

The Cruise Job Fair is by far one of the most famous and interesting events about cruise jobs and it takes place several times every year in various locations (including Berlin, Liverpool, and London). 
A lot of recruiters, as well as job seekers, take part at the event: everyone wants to make the best impression and get the job! 
With more than 130 delegates and 930 job seekers, this was the largest Cruise Job Fair ever organised.

While we were curiously watching some job interviews with companies like Msc Cruises, Cunard and Seabourn, we decided to bring something to you: Hot tips to get onboard.

The first people we asked is Louise Timmer, Manager Recruiting from Viking cruises; this is our interview with her:

Which are the most important skills you look at for hiring a person?
They have to be very flexible, communicative and they've to really love working with our guests, to make sure they have an amazing time, Guest-focused.

You're a very young ocean cruise line, and you have a very high retention rate, what is the key of that? 
We've to make sure there is a great atmosphere on board, good conditions, free Wi-Fi, and the fact that everyone feels at home.

Do you hire entry level position?
It depends a little bit on the position and how many applicants we have for every position. However, we mostly hire experienced workers.

Secondly, we posed some questions to Josephine Van Gent, Head of Colleges & University Talent Acquisition Seagoing from Holland America Line, this is our interview with her:
Do you hire entry level position or you just look for experienced workers? Do you make some courses for your future employees?
We do both, right out of college but also skilled workers.

Which are the most important skills for Hotel-working workers?
First of all is your attitude, then your motivation, and after your skill set but we train you on board, also depending on your position, job. The next comes education. If you'd like to work in the Hotel department we look at your education or experiences in the hospitality. However, if you're looking for a deck engine job, we look for you to have the COC (Certificate of Competences, editors' note).

Why workers should choose Holland America Line instead of other cruise companies?
I think what is very important that you choose a company you really like and that you feel at ease you can make a career and have a nice time as well, and that will mostly depend on the person itself.

We hope you liked these interviews and this is just the beginning of a series of articles, created and edited by us, dedicated to the cruise job industry. Stay tuned and watch our photos below!


More photos available here


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