Royal Caribbean & Snapchat: SeeSeeker

Royal Caribbean ha sviluppato insieme a Snapchat la speciale maschera subacquea “SeeSeeker”, che permette di scattare splendide immagini sotto la superficie del mare, catturando intriganti prospettive della vita sottomarina attraverso le lenti dei già celebri Snapchat Spectacles.

Tre esperti sub hanno già avuto modo di provare la maschera SeeSeeker, godendo delle meraviglie sotto la superficie dell’acqua.
-A Cozumel, in Messico, Roberto Ochoa, fotografo di vita sottomarina, ha regalato agli spettatori rarissime immagini della migrazione annuale degli squali balena.
-La biologa marina Gabriela Nava e il cofondatore dell’organizzazione Oceanus, con sede in Messico, hanno ripreso un progetto dedicato al restauro della barriera corallina. 
-Infine, in Belize, gli appassionati hanno potuto seguire la free diver Ashleigh Baird nella sua visita al Great Blue Hole, una delle più grandi doline marine del mondo.
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Royal Carribean and Snapchat have created a special underwater mask called "SeeSeeker". The mask allows you to take amazing pictures while you're swimming deep in the water, because of the particular lenses of the well know Snapchat Spectacles.

The SeeSeeker sunglasses have already been tried by three expert subaqueous, who have had the chance to see the sea bottom in a special way.
-In Cozumel - Mexico, Roberto Ochoa, a professional photographer of underwater life, has gifted the viewers with some rare pics of the whale sharks' annual migration.
-Once again, in Mexico a restoration of the barrier Reef was captured by Gabriela Nava - a marine biologist and by the founder of the Oceanus organization.
-The Great Blue Hole - in Belize, is one of the biggest sinkholes worldwide and it was visited by the free diver Ashleigh Baird and because of the SeeSeeker glasses many people followed her in the exploration.
What do you think about this new invention? Let us know by posting a comment!

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source: royalcaribbeanpress


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